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Define Activity

Activity is the specification of an action that can be executed using a specified engine. It specifies the number of input and output files, and the AppBundle and entry-point to use.

In this tutorial sample, the activity has 2 inputs (file & JSON data) and 1 output (file).

  • Activity

Now we will write endpoints for creating new activity and getting the existing activities, copy the following code into DesignAutomation.js file before the last line module.exports = router;

/// <summary>
/// CreateActivity a new Activity
/// </summary>
async (/*CreateActivity*/ req, res) => {
const activitySpecs = req.body;

// basic input validation
const zipFileName = activitySpecs.zipFileName;
const engineName = activitySpecs.engine;

// standard name for this sample
const appBundleName = zipFileName + "AppBundle";
const activityName = zipFileName + "Activity";

// get defined activities
const api = await Utils.dav3API(req.oauth_token);
let activities = null;
try {
activities = await api.getActivities();
} catch (ex) {
return res.status(500).json({
diagnostic: "Failed to get activity list",
const qualifiedActivityId = `${Utils.NickName}.${activityName}+${Utils.Alias}`;
if (! {
// define the activity
// ToDo: parametrize for different engines...
const engineAttributes = Utils.EngineAttributes(engineName);
const commandLine = engineAttributes.commandLine.replace(
const activitySpec = {
id: activityName,
appbundles: [`${Utils.NickName}.${appBundleName}+${Utils.Alias}`],
commandLine: [commandLine],
engine: engineName,
parameters: {
inputFile: {
description: "input file",
localName: "$(inputFile)",
ondemand: false,
required: true,
verb: dav3.Verb.get,
zip: false,
inputJson: {
description: "input json",
localName: "params.json",
ondemand: false,
required: false,
verb: dav3.Verb.get,
zip: false,
outputFile: {
description: "output file",
localName: "outputFile." + engineAttributes.extension,
ondemand: false,
required: true,
verb: dav3.Verb.put,
zip: false,
settings: {
script: {
value: engineAttributes.script,
try {
const newActivity = await api.createActivity(activitySpec);
} catch (ex) {
return res.status(500).json({
diagnostic: "Failed to create new activity",
// specify the alias for this Activity
const aliasSpec = {
id: Utils.Alias,
version: 1,
try {
const newAlias = await api.createActivityAlias(activityName, aliasSpec);
} catch (ex) {
return res.status(500).json({
diagnostic: "Failed to create new alias for activity",
activity: qualifiedActivityId,

// as this activity points to a AppBundle "dev" alias (which points to the last version of the bundle),
// there is no need to update it (for this sample), but this may be extended for different contexts
activity: "Activity already defined",

/// <summary>
/// Get all Activities defined for this account
/// </summary>
async (/*GetDefinedActivities*/ req, res) => {
const api = await Utils.dav3API(req.oauth_token);
// filter list of
let activities = null;
try {
activities = await api.getActivities();
} catch (ex) {
return res.status(500).json({
diagnostic: "Failed to get activity list",
let definedActivities = [];
for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
let activity =[i];
if (
activity.startsWith(Utils.NickName) &&
activity.indexOf("$LATEST") === -1
definedActivities.push(activity.replace(Utils.NickName + ".", ""));


Now you can click on Configure (top-right), select the AppBundle, select the Engine and click on Define Activity, which should define and upload the appbundle and define the activity. The results panel (left-side) shows the respective ids. All other buttons do not work yet... let's move forward.